Oracle - Daily, FREE Trade Alerts

Next Algorithmic Trade Alert In: 02:59:32

Free Algorithmic Trade Alerts From our Senior Trade Analysts

  • Tim Bohen

    Tim Bohen Part Time Trader, Full Time Income. Life of Freedom

  • Matt Monaco

    $1.9 Million in Trading Profits

  • Rob Booker

    20+ year Financial Trader and Teacher with over $7 million in gains

Hand Delivered FREE Algorithmic Trade Alerts Daily

Why Do Our Algorithms
Trade Alerts Work So Well?

Professor Rohan Kumar has recently launched the revolutionary Oracle Trading Alert Algorithm system. It utilizes computer-generated algorithms to simplify intricate stock data and generate straightforward yet impactful trading alerts.

To do that, we focused on these 3 things:

#1: Accuracy and Fewer Mistakes - In algorithmic trading, there is minimum human intervention, so there is a lower chance of making dangerous trading mistakes.

Using the algorithm, we sift through 15,000 stocks every second. Our algorithm searches for a 5 to 1 risk ratio, meaning we risk $1 to make $5 on each trade, we generate 15 trading opportunities a day and alert 3 of them.

You can begin using our algo alerts with as little as $100/day, & then begin to scale after your trading is profitable.

For example on this chart, BBBY, no human being would’ve seen the massive spike coming on Bed Bath and Beyond, but our Algorithm picked it before it ran.

#2: The Algorithm is Hard At Work 24/7: A computer doesn’t need sleep, so our trading algorithms can find trades all the time, as long as the market is open.

There is no missing any qualified trade setup with algorithmic trading because our algos are scanning the markets and making trade alerts all the time, even while you sleep.

Our algorithm picked up OCEA before the opening bell even rang on February 23, while most people were getting ready for work or still asleep…

The entry was signaled shortly after the opening bell and gave a great opportunity for a 255% Gain!

#3: Emotionless Trade Decisions: Your emotions in trading expose you to unnecessary risk. When you lose capital because of emotional trading, you tend to get involved in revenge trading. This trading refers to the practice of going ahead with a trade to overcome a previous loss. There’s an intense feeling to overcome the loss as quickly as possible, and in a bid to do so, you go about making random trades that can cause more harm than good.

By using “Algorithmic Trading” you remove all decisions based on emotion from your trading. You only make trade decisions based on statistics and a proven method.

Hand Delivered FREE Algorithmic Trade Alerts Daily

Recent Oracle Winners

Did you know that 85% of all stock trades are done by computer algorithms?

There is a reason why you aren’t seeing the trading success that the big wall street institutions are. The average every day Joe trader has NO edge. Most traders follow Mainstream media advice trade alerts or even worse, follow stock picks from Reddit or unqualified discord groups.

No wonder 90% of traders fail.

No wonder the majority of Wall Street Institutions Make Billions a year.

They are playing on an uneven playing field.

We've taken Wall Street's institutional grade algorithms and demystified them that almost any trader can starting winning with.

We've taken the edge right out of Wall Street's back pocket

Using our Oracle Algorithm, we will deliver in you inbox and SMS daily, actionable algorithmic trade alerts.

Why do we do this for free? We are so confident you will find daily winners with our FREE Wall Street Grade algorithmic trade alerts, You'll want to keep working with us over and over again

There is zero risk and no catch receiving our FREE institutional grade algo alerts. In the unlikely event you hate them for any reason, just unsubscribe

Hand Delivered FREE Algorithmic Trade Alerts Daily

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